8 Ways A Parent Can Raise an Intuitive Eater

8 Ways A Parent Can Raise an Intuitive Eater

Have you ever watched a toddler or young child eat? It’s fascinating! A baby will cry when they’re hungry and eat until they’re full. Toddlers eat all kinds of foods in different amounts throughout a day or week. They’re born as intuitive eaters, meaning they naturally trust their bodies and listen to their hunger and fullness cues. Some days, a toddler might eat only one thing on their plate, and the next day, ask for seconds. They adjust to their needs each day. But what changes? Diet culture and the parent’s own beliefs around food can influence and tarnish the natural abilities of their children around food.

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Making Meaning through Narrative Therapy 

Making Meaning through Narrative Therapy 

Many of us have a story that we tell ourselves about why we are the way we are. This story in our minds is our own personal narrative that gives meaning to our life. As we learn through each moment (especially those significant moments in life), our idea of self is built through our own bias of experiences. Meaning making on our journeys can help create a sense of purpose.

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What is People Pleasing?

What is People Pleasing?

What does the term "people pleasing" mean to you?

People pleasing is a broad term used to define one's emotional need to please others at the cost of their needs and desires. In many cases, people pleasing behaviors are problematic, as they may lead to anxiety, disconnection with others, tiredness, poor boundaries, low self-esteem, and lack of satisfaction.

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Becoming A Worry Free Parent

Becoming A Worry Free Parent

Understanding worry and anxiety can feel like a pretty big task in today’s world. If you have struggled with anxiety yourself, the research shows us that your child is seven times more likely to deal with anxiety. Anxiety tends to be an isolator, but we know it is not an isolated issue. When we have a child that is dealing with anxiety, one of the first questions we often ask ourselves as a parent is what am I doing wrong? Research indicates that one in four children are currently dealing with anxiety. This statistic indicates that it is not necessarily what we are doing right or wrong as parents, but rather how we can begin to understand this epidemic of worry and anxiety that we are currently in

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