Becoming A Worry Free Parent

Becoming A Worry Free Parent

Understanding worry and anxiety can feel like a pretty big task in today’s world. If you have struggled with anxiety yourself, the research shows us that your child is seven times more likely to deal with anxiety. Anxiety tends to be an isolator, but we know it is not an isolated issue. When we have a child that is dealing with anxiety, one of the first questions we often ask ourselves as a parent is what am I doing wrong? Research indicates that one in four children are currently dealing with anxiety. This statistic indicates that it is not necessarily what we are doing right or wrong as parents, but rather how we can begin to understand this epidemic of worry and anxiety that we are currently in

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The Power of Automatic Thoughts: Relationship Edition

The Power of Automatic Thoughts: Relationship Edition

Many of us can still remember the events that have left us feeling rejected, unvalued, unheard, and unseen. We can recall the day, the time, the person, and the words that left an imprint on the way we view things today. One of today’s trends is the stinging feeling of “unreciprocated energy” from our family and friends. Throughout our childhood years, there may have been life events or situations that created a foggy lens that changes the way we view and process similar situations, life events, and relationships today. Maybe, in the past you have invited some friends and family to an event however they didn’t show up- or maybe you have been reaching out to your loved one’s but they haven’t been as responsive or engaged as you would like them to be. Regardless of what their reason may be, it could have left you feeling like “No one loves or cares about me” or “I’ll never have successful relationships'. These unhealthy thinking patterns are what we call Automatic thoughts.

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How Do We Identify Our Needs?

How Do We Identify Our Needs?

So often when we are feeling frustrated in life with our jobs, families or other relationships, we end up feeling the same thing over and over again but aren’t able to identify in those moments what is familiar. Because of this, we can tend to either ignore those feelings and begin to have a pattern of dealing with that person or circumstance that often leads to feeling those same feelings over and over again without any real resolution or positive outcome. I often talk to clients that knowing how to express and communicate the change we need to feel or see is the first step towards moving into a new pattern of communication.

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The Gottman Method Of Couples Therapy : Why This Method Shines

The Gottman Method Of Couples Therapy : Why This Method Shines

Ever watched those romantic comedies where characters seem to dance into the moonlight with their partners? Let’s face it, at times our relationship feels more like a wrestling match than a dance. Couples counseling can help through those challenges. There are many different approaches to couples counseling, but one that stands out is the Gottman method. Let’s explore why it’s a good choice for couples, who want to not only get by but to make their relationship the best it can be.

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