Food Brings Us Together

Food Brings Us Together

March is a special month. Not only does it bring the first signs of spring, but it's also National Nutrition Month! As a registered dietitian and therapist, I see every day how food connects to mental health. Food isn’t just about what we eat, it’s also about how we prepare it, share it, and experience it with others. The meals we choose can tell stories about our families, cultures, and even ourselves.

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8 Ways A Parent Can Raise an Intuitive Eater

8 Ways A Parent Can Raise an Intuitive Eater

Have you ever watched a toddler or young child eat? It’s fascinating! A baby will cry when they’re hungry and eat until they’re full. Toddlers eat all kinds of foods in different amounts throughout a day or week. They’re born as intuitive eaters, meaning they naturally trust their bodies and listen to their hunger and fullness cues. Some days, a toddler might eat only one thing on their plate, and the next day, ask for seconds. They adjust to their needs each day. But what changes? Diet culture and the parent’s own beliefs around food can influence and tarnish the natural abilities of their children around food.

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5 Things to Know About Binge Eating Disorder

5 Things to Know About Binge Eating Disorder

Imagine you finally have time to yourself, alone. You can feel the urge to go to the kitchen to explore what snack options are available. You grab one of the snack bags out of the cabinet. As soon as you start eating, there is a peace and relief that is felt. Suddenly, you realize you ate more than expected, multiple bags are gone. You feel completely out of control and guilty for eating that amount of food.

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What is Intuitive Eating? (Part 2 of 2)

What is Intuitive Eating? (Part 2 of 2)

Diets promote the idea that progress comes as long as you follow the rules. This promotes a perfectionist mindset and makes you feel that you need to follow all of the rules. If you mess up, your progress will go off track.

The mindset of approaching Intuitive Eating needs to be approached differently. There is a concept of the spiral of healing that at times, it will get more challenging before there is improvement. There is no failure but times of reflection and growth when challenges present.

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What is Intuitive Eating? (Part 1 of 2)

What is Intuitive Eating? (Part 1 of 2)

You probably have heard of the phrase “Trust your gut”. When you have big decisions to make, you are told to go with this unexplainable feeling inside which is pointing you to one direction over another.

 Have you ever had an experience where you were guided by others to do something when your “gut” was telling you something different? This can be challenging to know what to decide to do with conflicting guidance of yourself and others. These experiences can make you trust yourself less and doubt can creep in with your decision-making skills.

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