Food Brings Us Together

Food Brings Us Together

March is a special month. Not only does it bring the first signs of spring, but it's also National Nutrition Month! As a registered dietitian and therapist, I see every day how food connects to mental health. Food isn’t just about what we eat, it’s also about how we prepare it, share it, and experience it with others. The meals we choose can tell stories about our families, cultures, and even ourselves.

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Embracing You: Navigating Body Image

Embracing You: Navigating Body Image

Think about how roles have changed for women and girls society in the last 50 years. Now a women’s place is not only in the kitchen. Women can pursue any career that they would like to, doctor, psychologist, teacher, politician, etc. The sky is the limit. However, over 50% of girls by the age of 13 report feeling unhappy with their bodies according to the National Organization of Women. By the age of 17, it increased to over 70% of girls. We call this feeling 'body image,' and it's about how we see ourselves, not how we really are.

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