The healthcare field can be a rewarding career. Many go into this area looking to help others. What they often find out is there is an emotional toll that the work can have on you. Extreme multi-tasking, never ending demands, and staffing shortages can create enormous levels of stress. Bearing witness to injury, illness and/or suffering can have lasting impact and leave you questioning if the toll is too high.

 Are you a nurse, respiratory therapist, doctor, first responder, or other healthcare professional? Have you found yourself asking- I don’t know if I can continue to work in this field? Burnout and compassion fatigue can impact healthcare professionals at any stage of their career. Sometimes new professionals find that the work they thought they would be doing when in school doesn’t match the job they have. Other times more senior professionals discover they have become disconnected over the years and have forgotten their “why”-the reason they started in the field in the first place.

The world of healthcare can shift your worldview, opening your eyes to a new realm of worries, risks and challenges. Establishing coping strategies and ways to manage the stress both in and outside of your work day are crucial to long-term success in the field. Working with a therapist can help you create a plan for caring for you while you care for others.

Here is who can help:

Megan works with clients at our East Petersburg location, as well as online.

If you are a healthcare professional and are feeling burned out, please contact us to schedule an appointment.  You can do so by filling out our Schedule Appointment form on our website or call 717-723-8040 to schedule with our Client Coordinators. Additionally, you can view the insurances we participate with, and you can read more on self paying for therapy.