5 Things We Can Learn From Our Pets

As many of you know from my previous blogs, I am a HUGE animal lover-especially cats!  Ok, saying that I love cats is a major understatement, but you still get my point.  Have you ever just sat and observed animals for a while?  I have and it is one of my favorite things to do.  In fact, I have learned so much from just observing my pets and the animals that live outside such as the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks to name just a few.  Of course, I think part of the reason that they grace my presence is that I supply them with food and fresh water daily, but who wouldn’t stick around when provided with endless food and water!?!?   I have spent hours watching animals in their daily activities and as humorous as they are and as much fun as I get from watching them, I truly believe that we can certainly learn so much from them as well as enjoying their antics.  

I have been practicing social distancing during the Corona Pandemic, as I am sure you have been as well.  Even as an introvert, I have found this a bit challenging, yet rewarding at the same time.  Please allow me to clarify.   I absolutely love solitude to reenergize and to be present for people in my life both personally and professionally.  However, I am finding that I actually miss connecting with others in person because it is greatly decreased and limited at this time, but it is all for a good reason and I have learned much from it.   For example, social distancing has given me more time to observe and reflect on what we as humans can learn from our pets (or I call them, my fur babies) and even animals in the wild.  

Here are 5 things that I have learned from animals:

1.     Forgiveness:  I thoroughly enjoy doing volunteer work with animal rescues.  One of the things that many of the animals that I have worked with have in common is being abused and neglected.  However, often they seem to learn to forgive and trust others with time and tender loving care.  You can read more about forgiveness in my previous blog here.

2.    Compassion:  Cats get a bad reputation of not caring about anyone but themselves by those who truly don’t understand or love cats.  This is truly sad for I can say without any hesitation or doubt that many cats, all of the ones I have ever had or known, have always been compassionate as are other animals.   When I am sick, my one kitty will not leave my side for more than 5 minutes.   I am sure you have seen the videos of the orangutan kissing a pregnant woman’s belly through glass or a dog staying beside his dying friend.  So, what we can learn is to be more compassionate to ourselves on loving one’s self and others.  

3.    Focus on our basic needs vs. wants:  Animals are very smart and in many ways more advanced than humans.  When was the last time you saw or heard an animal compare their living arrangements to that of another?  My guess is you haven’t.  Animals focus on meeting their basic needs such as food, shelter, and rest.  Instead of going out to find the best toy, cats in particular, are quite satisfied with a discarded box.  In fact, they often prefer that to the fancy cat condos we purchase for them.  Perhaps, we are learning more being happy with the simple things in life that we used to take for granted for we are learning the “new norm” during the pandemic.

4.    Acceptance:  This is a huge one!  I have never felt judged by an animal based upon things that humans typically judge us on such as age, weight, economic status, or education.  To be fair, I have been passed up by animals for someone holding fresh steak or another tasty treat but who wouldn’t go where such a yummy treat is!  Overall, animals don’t care about our appearances or other seemingly insignificant aspects of our lives that do not truly reflect who we are on the inside.  

5.    Relaxation:  Relaxation sounds and seems simple enough, right?!?!?  If it was and is that easy, why do so many of us struggle to do so?  Good question!  As I type this, I am watching a bird splash about in the birdbath outside as my kitty is sleeping in the sunny window.  They both look so relaxed.  Ok, we may not go splashing about in a birdbath but why not go dancing in the rain or jumping in a puddle?!?!  Take a nap when we feel and want one!  It’s almost Summer and we are still able to be outside despite social distancing so why not play catch with a family member or see if we can catch and release lightening bugs?  We likely all did this as kids so why not allow our inner child out!  

These are just a few of the many things that I have observed and learned from watching animals.  I can sum it all up into one big category which is self care!  You can read more about self care in my previous blog here .

We can learn so much from watching our animals and animals in nature whether it is jumping onto the scale to be weighed like my one cat does or basking in sunrays as so many animals do.  I challenge each and every one of us to observe animals to learn and practice new self care habits!

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