What My Plants Taught Me About Life

What My Plants Taught Me About Life

I have developed quite a green thumb. What started as a COVID quarantine outlet for me has evolved into propagating, replanting, and sharing the love with others! My office continues to acquire more and more plants. Now, I’m not a pro, but I find it is a great hobby for me. As I was repotting more plants that I salvaged from the Lowe’s clearance section (hoping they just need a new pot and some TLC!), I was reflecting on what I’ve learned from my houseplants and how applicable it was to life. So, here are some thoughts on what my plants have taught me…..

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Self-Diagnosis: Helpful or Harmful?

Self-Diagnosis: Helpful or Harmful?

I frequently have clients come to me with questions about diagnoses they think might apply to them.  Most of the time, the information they have questions on comes from videos they’ve seen on TikTok or other social media platforms.  Usually these questions start like this: “I know self-diagnosing is bad, but…”. The thing is, I don’t think self-diagnosis is all bad, and usually this question leads to really helpful and important conversations.  All of this being said, there are some serious risks associated with self-diagnosing.  So, is self-diagnosing helpful or harmful? 

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Five Benefits To Seeing A Counseling Intern

Five Benefits To Seeing A Counseling Intern

Choosing a counselor is a matter of trust. When you enter counseling, you want a clinician you are confident can support you. And research suggests that’s important—  the primary predictor of success in counseling is the quality of your relationship with your counselor.

While practicum and internship students may not have the depth of experience that more seasoned clinicians have, they bring other strengths that can make for a strong counseling relationship. When you see an intern, you receive personalized attention, evidence-based interventions, affordable care, individualized feedback, and experience with a passionate clinician.

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Releasing Different Types Of Tension In The Body: Stress In The Shoulders

Releasing Different Types Of Tension In The Body: Stress In The Shoulders

This blog marks the first in a series of releasing tension in the body. What if your body’s stress was also tied to your deepest feelings? Negative emotions can manifest as physical stress, tightness, or pain in our bodies. Developing physical symptoms caused by emotions is called somatization. Some examples of somatization include: feeling chest pain throughout a heartbreak or suffering a headache when under stress. The state of our physical body can give us a lot of information about our entire being (mind, body, spirit). Attending to the psychological causes is as important as addressing the physical symptoms in our bodies.

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5 Ways To Compromise Your Mental Health

5 Ways To Compromise Your Mental Health

That title got ya, didn’t it? We typically expect to learn how to feel better, not how to feel worse! But, I thought this “how NOT to” might catch your attention enough to get you to recognize some things you might be doing to sabotage your mental well being.  Or, maybe this post will get you to think about your mental health in a different way.

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